Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Open House Night

Tonight was Open House Night. Out of 48 seventh grade students, only five had parents show up. That's barely 10%! I'd thought we'd get at least 15 or 16 -- especially since it's a charter school, so their parents chose it. Kind of disappointing. The sixth grade did a little better, with 10 or 11 parents, but still not as many as I'd expected. What is the average percentage of parents who attend Open House Nights? I wonder.


  1. How disappointing! It seems the students' lack of respect arises from the parents' indifference.

  2. One of the other teachers pointed out it could be because we started so early -- Open House went from 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM, so any parents who had to work until 6:00 couldn't come.

  3. We don't generally get too many of the deaf kids' parents show up, either. of course, many of them would have to drive an hour or so each way, and some of them simply don't have cars because they live in the inner city.

    I've often thought it's rather odd that the kids who are disabled are very likely getting a better all-around education than their hearing siblings.
